prevention of fraud


prevention of fraud 防止舞弊


n. 阻止


prep. 由…製成、…的、出自、含有…的、具有…特點的、因為、…之中的、與…有關的


n. 詐騙、騙子


present value of 1 per period 每期一元現值
present value [or worth] 現值
present worth of annuity 年金現值
prevention of error 防止錯誤
prevention of expenditures for illegal purposes 防止不法支出
prevention of fraud 防止舞弊
prevention of misappropriation of funds 防止基金濫用
prevention of overspending of appropriations 防止經費超支
prevention of unwise or inappropriate expenditure 防止不當支出
price contract 價格合約

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