statement of operating expenses


statement of operating expenses 營業費用表


n. 陳述


prep. 由…製成、…的、出自、含有…的、具有…特點的、因為、…之中的、與…有關的


a. 操作的, 運行的, 工作的, 外科手術的


n. 費用, 開支


statement of financial income and expenses 財務收益與費用表
statement of financial operations 財務情況表
statement of financial position,balance sheet 財務地位表,平衡表
statement of funds and its application,statement of application of funds 資金運用表
statement of loss and gain,statement of profit and loss 損益表
statement of operating expenses 營業費用表
statement of operating revenue 營業收入表,營業所入表
statement of realization and liquidation 變現清算表
statement of receipts and disbursements 現金收付表
statement of receipts and disbursements and cash balance 現金收付結存表

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